Wednesday, 31 March 2010

It's back!

The snow that is! Falling heavily at the moment let's hope it doesn't stick specially now I'm back at work. I don't think the birds are too impressed about it either. At least the new chick is inside in the warm!

Monday, 29 March 2010

Nearly out of the woods!

Well ok wood to be precise! Andrew has split all of the wood from the trees we had felled, no easy task. All we have left now is a smallish pile of wood out the front that needs processing and hopefully that will be it for the year.

We were going to put up the last three raised beds today weather dependant it's raining heavily at the moment so I shall make some bread and see if it gets better if not we will be finishing putting the water in for the washing machine hopefully another dry task!

Monday, 22 March 2010

One fluffy chick

Well we have had one chick hatch and is the iconic yellow fluffy chick and very cute although it seems like it will be the only one to hatch. Photo to be posted soon!

It's been rainy on and off here so it was an indoor job day, we managed to get most of the plumbing sorted for the washing machine which we are moving into the utility area once we have done that it will be on to tileing the floor!

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Pipping time!

Well the first egg has pipped now it is A waiting game to see how they do. It's amazing how such small weak creatures make it out of the shell that even I can struggle with when breaking an egg to cook with it!

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Not much happening!

Due to spending the last two days there hasn't been much happening as we have been trying to fix my computer.

In other news we have 6 eggs in the incubator and hopefully there will be some little chicks in a few days time... I'm not expecting all of them to hatch as when I candled them one looked chickless and two a little on the small size but from experience that doesn't mean a failure sometimes just late hatchers!

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Busy busy busy

Well we have been very busy mainly with plaster board! At least all the main bits are done, just a lot of filling to do now.
We also now have a lovely new woodburner in the study so no longer freezing on that side of the house.

Also on the wood theme the ugly trees at the back of the house are no longer thanks to the expert felling by my sisters other half which left us with lots of wood to process. Most of it is done now just some large logs to be split and the back of the old landy to be emptied.

Finally I now have the ability to post remotly without turning my main computer so easier for me to post but I can't add pictures so I will add them as and when I go on to my main comp!